How to choose the right water testing lab?

There is no denying the importance of water for the survival of all living beings. It is no wonder that many countries, states, and municipalities have unique water quality criteria. While some countries have strict controls on water quality, others have looser guidelines.

The purpose of water testing is to identify contaminants and pollutants. If you want to know if the water in your home is clean, then you’ll need to find a certified laboratory to test it.  Different types of tests can be performed on the water. Water analysis should be performed by professionals who know what they’re doing.

Choosing a reputable water testing lab is an important decision to make once your well is drilled. Water quality must be tested regularly to help prevent serious illness. When choosing a water lab to test for contaminants, be sure to look at several factors:

  1. Laboratory Accreditation:  Companies that contract improper methods may not be certified, and as a result, may not be conducting proper testing. Check with the Laboratory Accreditation Board, your state’s Department of Health to ensure that the lab is certified.
  2. Experience: A laboratory that has been in operation for more than five years will have a solid history of work. New labs may not have the experience required to handle complex operations. It is best to choose an established lab.
  3. Testing Methods: Water testing is incredibly important in ensuring your water is drinkable. These methods range from simple chemical tests to advanced experiments to measure specific properties of the water.
  4. Customer Service: When searching a laboratory, you should look for one that can respond to your inquiries in a timely manner.

Water is an essential resource for sustaining life and we take great care in working with our clients to develop water management strategies. We provide extensive resources and expertise to our clients that help them optimize their water usage and overall water efficiency.